Friday, February 26, 2021

Opportunities and Time

 1.) How do you use your time? We all mean well at the beginning of each day, but somehow we get off track and waste so much of it. What stands in your way of using your time wisely?

Recently, I have been trying to wake up earlier and start my day with a morning workout. If I do not work out right after waking up, I still try to get things done in the morning by taking a shower, reading class materials, printing out information I need, or checking and sending emails. If I start the day earlier, then I am able to breathe more throughout the afternoon and evening because I am not trying to finish all my work in one sitting or limited period of time. However, I sometimes let myself take too long of a break while I eat lunch and watch tv or go on my phone to look at my notifications and social media. I do not take naps, but I will catch myself sitting on my bed and delaying work because I am on my device or watching a show. I also think that sometimes I can take too long to get ready and waste time trying to make a decision on where I want to work and what work I want to do at that moment. I have also noticed that I sometimes prioritize the order of my assignments in ways that are not necessarily the smartest or best option. For example, I will complete the harder, more thought-provoking assignments last instead of doing them first. 


2.) Think back on your previous leadership experiences. In 2 paragraphs (4-6 sentences), describe a time that you missed out on an opportunity. How did it make you feel? Do you regret missing the opportunity? What will do next time to ensure your don't miss any opportunities?

I wanted to be the co-chair of the special events committee for my senior year Mini-THON. However, I did not properly prepare. I was the first person they interviewed out of everyone who was applying. I felt as though I was going to be fine, but I really should have prepared more from the beginning. We had to write an essay and answer questions in front of 3-5 other people. Looking back I should have started my easy sooner than I did and had my parents or friends conduct practice interviews with me. I went in feeling a little too confident and was ignorant to how much preparation was actually needed going in. I did not get the leadership position as co-chair, but I was to get involved as a committee member and helped as much as I could. Next time, I will definitely look more into what the steps are throughout applying for a position and ask others for help along the way. 

3.) Why do you think so many of us simply waste so much of our time? Why don't we value it?

I think that people waste time both intentionally and unintentionally. Sometimes, we just need a mental break. Other times, people purposefully create distractions for themselves, so they do not have to deal with what is really happening. People may also waste time as a way to avoid their problems and feel as though they are still young and carefree at heart. Wasting time can be a nice escape and healthy exercise only if it is done properly. You shouldn’t waste an entire day, but you can take a few minutes to relax, be silly, go brain dead, etc. I feel as though wasting time does not always have to mean that a person does not value time itself. I think that if someone truly does not value their time, then it is because they do not see value in themselves. I think that if people can see themselves in a positive way, then they will not see the point in spending their time wisely or care about how they spend it. I also think that certain people do not value time because they think that the world revolves around them. There are certain people that think their decisions and plans are what everyone else is working around, so they do not have to accommodate others' schedules. Another reason I think people do not value time is that they assume they will wake up the next day and have the opportunity to do things differently, but in reality, we have to live each day like it is our last. We should live each day like we are trying to do better than the last. 

 4.) List the ways you seize opportunities and make the most of your time each day? Also, incorporate how you hold yourself accountable. What are your accountability measures?

I seize opportunities by reaching out to multiple friends to try and make plans. I will invite friends from different classes and make an effort to get together with new people every week. I try to make the most of my time by working out to release my stress and energy, having dinner with friends, and finishing my homework before midnight, so I can get a good night's sleep for the next day. Making lists also help me make the most of my time because I have everything I need to do for the day played out on one piece of paper. I am definitely a big advocate of making lists. I make lists and write down my plans for the day, what I want to accomplish, what I need to do, and more. Part of the reason I write things down in the format of a list is that it helps me remember everything I have to do, but another reason I love lists is that they help me hold myself accountable. If I write something down, there is also a higher chance of me sticking to it because it is part of my plan for the day. I will also text someone that I want to go to the gym tomorrow morning or that I plan on working on my assignments during this time of day. Verbally talking about my plans and confirming them out loud to another person also helps hold me accountable because I want to show them I am staying true to what I said. Physically writing things down and then verbally saying those tasks out loud really help reinforce my plans and hold me accountable.  


5.) Can you quickly name your top priorities? What are they at work, at school, and at home?

My top priorities are establishing a solid foundation for the club I created, getting A's in all my classes, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle by going to the gym and eating well. I also make it a priority to have me time, socialize with friends, and call my family. I try to keep a balance between my school life and social life because I have a tendency to overwork myself and not take a moment to step back from all of the stress and assignments. Making time for myself, friends, and family is a really important priority for me because it helps me reset and catch my breath. 

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Emotional Fuel

1.) In two paragraphs (4-6 sentences in each paragraph), discuss a time when someone or a group of individuals fueled you emotionally. Was it one person or a group of people? When did this take place? What did they say or do to fuel you? Did they create a shared vision with you? Utilize your "ME" diagram and your class notes to guide your response. 

The most recent account of someone or a group of people fueling me emotionally was when I was working through physical therapy after my knee reconstruction surgery. The people at inspired physical therapy became a second family to me, and they constantly supported and encouraged me throughout each month and milestone of my recovery. My personal physical therapist was especially important in helping me balance my emotions and guiding me through the roughest moments. He worked with me to establish goals each month and together we created a plan to get me back to my original physical state. He pushed me and made sure to hold me accountable for he constantly asked if I was keeping up with my exercises and performing the drills outside of our appointments. He invested time in and out of our sessions to help answer my questions and adjust my concerns. He also took the time to establish a connection with my surgeon to email him routine check-ins and update him on our progress. He helped me learn how to trust myself and use my leg again.

2.) Why do you think we need accountability and support in our lives as leaders?

I think that leaders need accountability and support in their lives in order to make sure that they are not going off track or working themselves too thin. Having other people hold you accountable helps a leader stay focused. While checking for accountability, a leader also becomes aware of whether or not they are doing things for the right reasons. Having other people there to support you is also very important when it comes to being a leader because not everyone is perfect. Even leaders need someone to turn to for advice or comfort in times of need or struggle. Emotions are just as important as intelligence. Thus, having a good support system is key to keeping mental stability as well as an ineffective intellectual state.

3.) A frequently quoted proverb says, As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. List ways one person can sharpen another person in a relationship.

There are many different ways in which one person can sharpen another person in a relationship. For instance, teammates help push one another to be better and play both smarter and harder. Moreover, everyone is different in their own way, so one person’s strength can be another person’s weakness. We all bring something unique to the table that others can learn from and use to better themselves and grow individually. Other people also see you from a perspective other than your own, so they can give you unbiased, constructive criticism and help you see sides of yourself that you might have otherwise been unaware or ignorant of.

4.) How does using symbolic language/images and being unique provide emotional fuel to others?

 Using symbolic language can help provide emotional fuel to others because it establishes a connection between you and the other person. Symbols make conversations, thoughts, and actions more meaningful. It shows that you are taking time to analyze, understand, and respond to them and their words. Symbolic language and images are also usually specific and confidential between you and the other person, which brings you closer together and makes your support system stronger. Being unique also provides emotional fuel to others because different perspectives offer different benefits. Variety and new opinions teach us things we would not normally explore or consider.

5.) What are the weak spots where you need the counsel of others in your life? Are there areas where you feel you have an empty tank?

Personally, I need the counsel of others to make sure I am not taking too many projects on at a time. I have always had the desire to participate in as many events as I can. However, my fear of missing out, can lead me to overwork and overbook myself. I need the counsel of others to help me realize my limits. I also need others to help call me down. Because I try to take on too many things at once, I can become easily overwhelmed and stressed. Having the guidance and reassurance of others helps me take a step back and realize what I am already doing is enough. I feel as though I need more partners. I find it hard to find people who share my same aspirations and drive to succeed in both academics and physical activity. 

The Starving Baker

   1). In your opinion, why is personal growth and wellness a key characteristic to good leadership? I think that personal growth is a major...